SRI is proud to announce it has committed to Corporate Social Responsibility for its business by signing on to the UN Global Compact. See below or click here to read the full letter


March 18, 2018

FOR: SRI Clients and Stakeholders:

We are pleased to announce that SRI Quality System Registrar has signed on to the United Nations Global Compact and supports the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. With this communication, we express our commitment to our corporate social responsibility (CSR) and intent to implement its underlying principles.

We are committed to make the UN Global Compact and its principles part of SRI’s CSR strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, and to engage in collaborative projects which advance the development of the broader United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. SRI Quality System Registrar is making a clear statement of this commitment to our clients, stakeholders and the general public, and we are in the process of developing our integrated CSR plan to share as part of this commitment.

We recognize that a key requirement for our commitment and participation in the UN Global Compact is the annual submission of a Communication on Progress (COP) report that describes our company’s commitments and efforts to implement the Ten Principles. We support public accountability and transparency, and therefore commit to report on progress within this first year, and annually thereafter according to the UN Global Compact COP policy. This will include:

  • A statement expressing continued support for the UN Global Compact and renewing our ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles
  • A report of practical actions that the company has taken, and plans to take, to implement the UN Global Compact principles in human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption
  • A measurement of outcomes, and plans for continued action and commitment

Sincerely yours,

Christopher Lake